Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can You Trust It?

I'll be 46 years old in February.  I tend to be rational and my motto is "Question everything."  It has surprised some folks that I know that I'm a Christian who believes the Bible to authentically be a book written down under the inspiration of God.

I also believe that it has been accurately preserved such that the book we have today is essentially what was written down.  In fact, the Bible is by far the best and most accurately preserved book of all antiquity.  I stake my life on it, and treat it as an eye witness account and authoritative in all matters which it addresses.

One of my favorite skeptics is Josh McDowell.  Years ago, when a law student at university, he set about to establish that Christianity is a farce.  Instead, he found such a pile of evidence for the Christian faith, that he became a believer.  He is one of many who have honestly followed the evidence where it leads.

I, on the other hand, was raised in a Christian home, but was always encouraged to think for myself and question what I heard.  I spent some time trying to disprove my own faith, but the arguments against it were so feeble, I gave up trying.  Even the little I've heard from the very popular Richard Dawkins and others seem based on a presupposition that there can't possibly be a God.  Everyone begins with a set of presuppositions.  I certainly have mine.  While no one can ever be 100% neutral, there are individuals so bent on denying God that they force all their ideas to align with an atheist presupposition, even if result is nonsense.  

I suppose, I may be doing the same in favor of God.  I don't believe that to be the case.  Rather, I believe that the most rational approach is a belief in God and the Bible.  What are your thoughts?


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